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Boxy SVG 4.34.2

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Boxy SVG

Boxy SVG project goal is to create the best SVG editor for non-technical users as well as for professional designers and developers.

SVG is the standard format for storing vector graphics such as icons, banners, charts and illustrations.


  • Clean and intuitive UI heavily inspired by Inkscape, Sketch and Adobe Illustrator
  • Extensive support for on-canvas editing of object geometry, transform, paint and other properties
  • Save to SVG and SVGZ formats, export to PNG, JPG, WebP, PDF and HTML5
  • Open Clip Art Library integration with thousands of free stock vector arts
  • Google Fonts integration with hundreds of free fonts
  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts for over 100 commands
  • Manual guides, smart guides and grid
  • Path operations (unite, intersect, subtract, exclude, close, reverse, etc.)
  • Arrangement operations (align to, rotate, flip, order, group, etc.)


  • Chromium-based rendering engine
  • SVG and CSS code inspector similar to Chrome Dev Tools
  • Clean SVG output that preserves IDs, classes, titles and other metadata
  • SVG sprites editing support

Compatibility: macOS 10.15.0 or later
Homepage https://geo.itunes.apple.com/app/id611658502


Name: Boxy_SVG_4.34.2_Mactorrents.Me.dmg
Size: 182 MB
Files Boxy_SVG_4.34.2_Mactorrents.Me.dmg[182 MB]

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