Clean My MacClean my macCleanMyMacCleanMyMac XUtilities CleanMyMac X 4.0.2 by mac torrents September 15, 2018 September 15, 2018 ( CleanMyMac X 4.0.2 )Loading... CleanMyMac X 4.0.2 CleanMyMac makes space for the things you love. Sporting a range of ingenious new features, CleanMyMac lets you safely and intelligently scan and clean your entire system, delete large, unused files, reduce the size of your iPhoto library, uninstall unneeded apps or fix the ones that started to work improperly, manage all your extensions from one place and do much more – all from one newly designed and beautifully simple interface. FEATURES Easy to use, userfriendly interface Drag and drop nature Slims universal binaries Removes useless language translations Most accurate application uninstallation Quick and Secure file eraser Manages widgets, plugins and preference panes Erases garbage left from previously removed applications and widgets Monitors your Trash helping you to uninstall trashed applications correctly Keeps an eye on your removable devices to clean them up from junk service files Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit Web Site: What’s New in CleanMyMac X 4.0.2 AddedL Scan for unused DMG files within Applications Services menu for Updater and Uninstaller modules Screenshots Name CleanMyMac X 4 0 2 Size 71.64 MB Created on 2018-09-16 07:48:04 Hash ff81fe95cfb4e102c6bb54171426d608b6757227 Files CleanMyMac X 4 0 2 (71.64 MB) Download Download Related Posts:CleanMyMac X 4.10.1CleanMyMac X 4.10.3CleanMyMac X 4.10.4CleanMyMac X 4.10.6 cleanmymac 0 comment TwitterRedditTelegramEmail mac torrents Mac Torrents - Torrents for Mac. Free Apps, Games & Plugins. Apple Final Cut Pro & Logic Pro X, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Pixel Film Studios, previous post Photo Ninja 1.3.6c next post Keka 1.1.3